– This year we will start the season slightly later than last year. Our calendar will include a lot of races for riders Under-23, but there will also be starts with the elite – announced the sporting director of CCC Development Team, Tomasz Brożyna.
CCC Development Team spent a several weeks on training camp in spanish Calpe, where riders were preparing for the season, which they will start at the beginning of the March. – The season 2020 will be inaugurated with two classics in Croatia. We will stand at the start of the Umag Trophy Already on March 4th, and a few days later we will start in the Poreč Trophy. In the same time a six-member team will go to the Belgian race Grote prijs Jean-Pierre Monseré. The program for the next month is also the first “stage race”, Istrian Spring Trophy – director Brożyna told about the nearest starting plans. In the next month we schedule the first stage race, Istrian Spring Trophy – director Brożyna told about the nearest plans.
– Our calendar includes a lot of races for the U-23 category, due to the fact that most of our riders are youth. In the first part of the season, there will be races like Youngster Coast Challenge or the Carpathian Courier Race. There will also be starts with the elite, one of our goals is CCC Tour Grody Piastowskie, where the one of stages will take place in the Polkowice – noted Tomasz Brożyna.
Polish championships are one of the most important start in the season. This year fight for white-red jersey will be held in Lower Silesia, in Duszniki-Zdrój. – We are preparing the form mainly for May-June. We want to focus on this period and prepare as best as possible for the fight for the title of national champion – said Brożyna. After the championships riders will set out the second part of the season and they will start in the Course Cycliste de Solidarnosc et des Champions Olympiques, or Turul Romaniei.
For Michał Gałka, Croatian classics will be his debut in the Under-23 category. – This will be my first start with the CCC Development Team, as well as as a U-23 riderr. I worked well at the training camps in Calpe and I feel well prepared for the first races. During trainings in Spain, we had the opportunity to became as a strong team. At the beginning of the season I am focused on gathering experience and helping my teammates, but I hope that they will be successful starts for us – said Michał Gałka with optimism.
Szymon Tracz has the last year ahead of him in the youth category. The CCC Development Team rider is waiting for the start of the season. – I know I did a lot during this winter and I feel ready to fight. I did my first hard and long training sessions during the training camp with the team in Calpe. From the beginning the weather was good, and apart from cycling, we took care to do core exercises and regeneration. I think that hard work will bring results soon and we will show the strength of our team – said Szymon Tracz. – I will start the season with the Belgian race Grote prijs Jean-Pierre Monseré. The profile shows that it will be a quick and demanding start, which is a good test for me before the Istrian Spring Trophy, which will be the next item on my calendar – added Tracz.