Savva Novikov is the last rider, who join to CCC Development Team in 2020 year. Cyclist from Russia signed the contract for two years.
Novikov got interested in cycling thanks to his father and quickly felt that it is a sport for him. He has won the medal of the track European championships, but he connected his future with road cycling.. – Last season Savva showed his strength by winning the stage at Turul Romaniei and the Tour of Iran race – said Robert Krajewski, president and sport director of CCC Development Team. – He is a competitor who can ride in the mountains, but will also be a solid reinforcement of our team in sprint – added Krajewski.
– I’m glad to be part of the CCC Development Team. It is a great opportunity for me to develop and gain new experience – said Novikov. – I can’t wait for the first starts. I am convinced that together with the boys we will be a strong team and can fight for more than one victory.
Savva Novikov
Date of birth: 27.07.1999
specialisation: Mountain
Contract with CCC Development Team for 2020-2021
Savva, how did you start training cycling?
– My father was a cyclist and I really wanted to follow him. At the age of 11 I decided to give up football and try myself at cycling. I went for the first bicycle training, I didn’t ridel many kilometers then, but I knew that this is what I want to do. From the beginning I was doing quite well at races, which motivated me to keep working and so I stayed in cycling.
Do you have your idol?
– I do not have. There are many athletes whom I admire for their effort and determination in achieving the goal. I try to follow them and follow the advice they give. I believe that hard and systematic work is a recipe for being a champion.
What do you feel the best in?
– I think riding in the mountains is my advantage. I like long climbs, where I feel better and better with each kilometer and I can show my strength. I love what I do and really enjoys every race. I always give my best and it gives me satisfaction from the work done.
In the last season you showed your predisposition to ride in the mountains during Turul Romaniei. What was the last year for you?
– I started the 2019 season with a series of races in Portugal and Spain. The first part of the year was not bad, but I expected a little more from myself. I went even more motivated to the next starts, and this resulted in the bronze medal at the European Youth Championships on the track. However, the biggest success for me was winning at the royal stage Turul Romaniei and second place in the general classification. A dozen or so days later I felt equally well on the Tour of Iran, where I won the stage and general classification. I can say that it was a very successful season for me.
What do you expect from your first season in the CCC Development Team?
– I’m very excited about the upcoming season. It is new experience and challenges for me. I saw the professionalism of the CCC Development Team last year and I am very happy to be part of it. I worked hard throughout the winter and in the upcoming season I want to show my maximum potential and give as much as possible from myself.