Valter and Aniołkowski finished U-23 road race in Yorkshire

Today in Yorkshire U-23 riders were fighting for the rainbow jersey. Our boys Attila Valter and Stasiek Aniołkowski did their best – Attila finished 31st and Stasiek 33rd. 

-There were about 12 riders in the breakaway, including me. We were caught on the main climb and the peloton was already torn. There were about 35 riders in it. At that time I tried to protect Szymon Sajnok as there was strong side wind. Then, the peloton split, Szymon stayed in the front group, I was behind him, in second group. And this is how we actually rode until the finish. Guys from the first group were fighting for podium. Szymon did his best, he was the strongest Polish rider today. As a team we did everything we could for Szymon.  He finished 17th – said Stasiek Aniołkowski.

-The first part of the race was chaotic and I tried not to stress, but to get into the rhythm of the race. It was cold and we rode very  fast. I had good legs, so as soon as the climb started, I tested the peloton and attacked several times. Later, I caught Aniołek and rode together in the front – I think this will be my best memory of this race. I regret that I didn’t get to the first group when echelons started. I was trying to do my best and worked in the front, even going solo, but our group couldn’t make it to the front. On the one hand I was hoping for something better, but on the other – I am very glad that I was able to take part in this race after the horrible crash I’d had during ITT – said Attila Valter.